Car Polisher Machines Royce Professional Power Tools/RPLS 180 – 1800w




RPLS 180- 1800 *Powerful and reliable tool for fine grinding and polishing finishing various surface, such as car body *Disk speed shifter and a six-speed electronic speed control *Nozzle with Velcro allows for both polishing and grinding surface *Closed auxiliary handle provides free operation with horizontal and vertical surface *Replacing the wiper motor without disassembly tool *Spindle lock when changing the polishing pad 1. To make smooth and shiny by rubbing or chemical action. 2. To remove the outer layers from (grains of rice) by rotation in drums. 3. To refine or remove flaws from; perfect or complete: polish one’s piano technique; polish up the lyrics. v.intr. To become smooth or shiny by being rubbed: The table polishes up nicely. n. 1. Smoothness or shininess of surface or finish. 2. A substance containing chemical agents or abrasive particles and applied to smooth or shine a surface: shoe polish. 3. The act or process of polishing: gave the lamp a polish. 4. Elegance of style or manners; refinement. Phrasal Verb: polish off Informal To finish or dispose of quickly and easily. Product Specification: Voltage & Frequency:220~230V =50~60Hz Max Disc Diameter: 180 mm Input Power: 1800 watts No Load Speed: 600 – 3000r/min


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